Saturday, June 23, 2018


Most of the women struggle losing weight and getting the slimmer waist and mostly about, how to stay fit?

Well, there are solutions that can help you reach your goal, but once you stop drinking it, you will get back to the previous shape. It’s essential to exercise and regulate your diet in order to insert the vitamins and minerals, fiber and antioxidants that your body needs to burn the fat permanently and continuously.

Here’s the drink that we are talking about that contain everything your body requires, you need: 8 glasses of water 1 tsp ground ginger root 1 peeled cucumber 1 lemon 12 crisp mint leaves and 1 tsp dried mint

Instruction: All you have to do is to cut the cucumber and lemon into small pieces and blend them together. Let the mixture stay overnight and you can consume 3-4 glasses of it during the day. You can try to drink one before breakfast, on an empty stomach, for best results. This drink helps your body to stay active and burn calories and fat when exercising. Nutritionists conclude that by regular utilization of this beverage and moderate physical movement, it would liquefy the paunch fat and help you at long last get those abs and waist that you always wanted.

Usage: Finally, drink this mixture for 4 days,3-4 glasses per day, then rest for 1 week. After 1 week you can consume it again for 4 days and take a break. Good luck, and write us some results of accomplishment.

If You Drink This 1 Hour Before Going To Sleep You Will Burn All The Fat From The Previous Day!

Fat accumulation is one the worst enemy of women who want to lose weight fast. The rolls that come in the belly, back, arms and legs are a nightmare for many.

Especially the fat of the legs and belly is very difficult to eliminate, but not impossible. With the right techniques, we can end it quickly and without much effort. In this article, we are going to show you what you can do to burn that fat in the blink of an eye.

There are a lot of products that promise immediate results, but they are only a marketing scam, in order to sell them even more. Our body tends to burn fat during the whole day, but it cannot happen overnight.

In order to burn fat properly, you will need to accelerate your metabolism, so it will be able to burn fat while you sleep. You can do that by a mixture of some natural ingredients, which will boost your metabolism and will also help you to lose weight in just a short period of time. And here, we will present you how to prepare it.

1 tablespoon of vinegar
1 teaspoon of powdered ginger
1 lemon
1 bunch of parsley
½ a liter of water
A pinch of cinnamon

First, boil the water in a pot, then add the other ingredients mentioned above and simmer the mixture on low heat for a while. After that, leave it to cool down, strain it and then pour it in a bottle. Every night before sleeping, take one cup of the incredible drink, so it will boost your metabolism and will also make your body to burn fat, even overnight.

The summer is fast approaching, so don’t wait no more –try this drink and you’ll lose a lot of weight in no time!

This 1 Simple Bedtime Drink Kills [Tummy Fat] While You Sleep

It’s really, really important for you to lose that belly fat naturally.
As you already know I didn’t share a chemical formula with you.
I don’t know how healthy they are. I’m not interested in them.
I want everything to get done on the most natural way possible.
Even though some of you don’t believe what they read, these drinks do help.
Don’t judge if you drank only one glass of these drinks and expected results.
Detoxification gives you a clean system to absorb powerful nutrients.
When you feed your clean system with clean and healthy food, you build a wall that diseases can’t pass through.
This is a totally natural drink. It will boost your metabolism, strengthen your immune system and make you lose body fat.
Belly fat is enemy no.1 for women. I have the recipe that could help you lose it.
Here are the ingredients you need for this bedtime drink.
  • 1 cucumber
  • A bunch of parsley
  • 1tsp. grated ginger
  • ½ lemon
  • 1/3 cup water
The instructions are really simple. You just combine all the ingredients in a juicer and process it well.
Is everything set? – Awesome!
Now you have to drink this on a regular basis before going to bed.
Your tummy fat will disappear.
This 1 Simple Bedtime Drink Kills [Tummy Fat] While You Sleep

Staying hydrated with drinks like this, choosing your food wisely and exercise should become your habit.
This combination of fat burning ingredients will help you achieve results faster.
You are tired of listening to your friends complain about belly fat and do nothing about it?
Use the sharing buttons below and show this to them.

Fat Burning Detox Drink Recipe

Fat Burning Detox Drink
I’ve got another Detox drink for you! This one is a fat burning concoction that really does the job. See below why it works:
First up is my favorite ingredient….Apple Cider Vinegar! I always feel happier and better when I have this in my drink (I try to drink it every day). This is SO good for you and you can see ALL of the reasons 
Cinnamon..I love this almost as much as the vinegar. Cinnamon helps boost your metabolism, regulates blood sugar, stops food cravings. Cinnamon actually imitates the activity of insulin and increases the metabolism of glucose. Since high blood sugar levels can lead to increased storage of fat by the body, it helps prevent this and helps you to lose weight. Cinnamon is rich in manganese, iron, calcium and fiber. 
Lemon juice contains pectin, a soluble fiber that has been shown to help with weight-loss. Lemon juice also helps get rid of the toxins in your body that cause you to keep weight on. Lemon also has a ton of Vitamin C.
Apples – The fiber helps you feel full longer because it expands in your stomach so it takes less food to satisfy your hunger. I recommend eating the apples you put in the drink after you drink it. Cinnamon Apples…YUM!
See Recipe Below:
  • 12 oz of Water
  • 1-2 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar (I use Braggs with the "Mother")
  • 1 Tablespoon fresh Lemon Juice
  • 1 Teaspoon Cinnamon
  • 1/2 Teaspoon sweetener (I use a Stevia Raw Sugar packet)
  • Half of an apple (sliced)
  1. Put all of the ingredients (not including the Apples) in the blender and blend for about 10 seconds.
  2. Add slices of Apple
  3. Drink and then eat the apple slices! They will taste yummy.

Low Fat Smoothies For Weight Loss

Many people don't realize the importance of feeling motivated while on your path to a healthier lifestyle. The truth is, if you are not feeling motivated then you are going to have a much, much harder time succeeding in reaching your goals. So it's very helpful if you are able to identify something in your life that makes you feel motivated in reaching for this goal you have. To some people music is simple motivation and as long as they have there earbuds and Ipods they are ready to exercise! But exercise is only have the battle, and dieting is the other extremely important part of this equation.

It should be easy enough to understand that body relies on what you put into to get its nutrients and everything else that it needs to keep your body systems and organs functioning properly. So it should come as no surprise that putting junk in your body doesn't make it impossible to lose weight, but it most certainly slows the process! My best suggestion is to commit to something for at least 21 days. People are often sold the idea that something can fix their problems overnight. I'll tell you what, nothing is going to happen overnight in terms of reaching your dieting and exercise goals. But it all starts with the decision to commit and try. Remember that it takes the human mind 21 days to make and break habits. It may seem like hell for the first 3 weeks, but if you stick to it and don't "cheat" then you will basically have taught your mind that this is the new you. Of course people can always revert back to their old ways but this "3 week hump" is a huge mark and things get easier from there.

Many people will find that they are exercising and dieting but still not receiving the results they want. Many times this has to do with portion control. As Americans, we have been blessed with the ability to often gorge upon as much food as we want until we are completely full and satisfied. This often results in over eating and is the answer to make peoples question as to why they aren't getting results. The common 21 day fit diet program focuses heavily on portion control. 

You may have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and that is why we need to start with something that is good for us and tastes great! I am talking about smoothies! For the first 3 weeks of my health journey I found it hard to give up traditional breakfast items like bacon, sausage, pancakes, and whatever else was easy and unhealthy. But after I got used to switching off fruit smoothies and protein shakes for breakfast I feel as if I could never go back to the old traditional items. I hope you enjoy and thanks for reading, remember, commitment counts!

I like this smoothie recipe because it's easy, healthy, and very quick to throw together. Of course you can add so many other fruits to this if you choose, personally I think when you add many fruits you lose some of the ability to taste the individual fruits. 


  • 6 oz plain fat free yogurt   
  • 1 peach
  • 1/2 cup raspberries 
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract  
Other ingredient ideas
  • Banana
  • Blueberries
  • Almonds
  • Organic Flax Seed
  • SpirulinaChlorella, or a SuperFood Blend for Protein and Important Amino Acids! ( Blue Green algaes are very healthy but these can really change the taste of the smoothie, so start with a little bit at a time. 
*To get the same swirl effect as the picture
  1. Blend raspberries with 3 oz yogurt, a few drops vanilla extract, and 1-2 ice cubes then pour in the glass
  2. Blend peaches with 3 oz yogurt,  and 1-2 ice cubes and pour on top in the glass.
Blend 30-45 seconds.


The term core muscles is defined as a group of muscles around the pelvis and trunk. Namely, core muscles include the muscles in the abdomen, lower back, hips, and pelvis. These muscles are responsible for supporting the spine and keeping optimal balance.
If you sit for long periods of time during the day, you should strengthen your core muscles. This is actually more important to your overall health than you think. Keep in mind that strengthening your core helps support your spine and prevent pain and poor posture triggered by sitting all day long. It can also help enhance the overall posture of your body, prevent injuries, alleviate lower back pain, and enhance your overall athletic performance.
That’s not all, it can also help you get rid of your stubborn belly fat.
In fact, what most people do not know is that working your core targets more than just your abdominal muscles. It also engages your glutes and back muscles. As a result of this, working your core is particularly beneficial for those who are top-heavy and are prone to strain their back.
It is actually a 3-day workout plan that includes a few simple and effective core exercises.
– DAY 1
On your first day of this workout plan, you should practice these 3 simple exercises. You should perform each exercise for about 5 minutes. You also need to do two repetitions for best results.
The first exercise is known as Skyscrapers. It is recommended to do ten repetitions on each side.
In addition, the second exercise is known as Windshield Wipers. You need to do ten repetitions on each side.
Finally, the last exercise is known as Army Crawls. You should only make 36 steps.
– DAY 2

On your second day of this workout plan, you need to perform these 4 hard exercises. You should practice each exercise for about 5 minutes. Do two repetitions.
The first exercise is known as Breakdancer. It is advisable to do fifteen repetitions on each side.
Moreover, the second exercise is known as Skydiver. Hold for about half a minute.
Furthermore, the third exercise is known as Dead Bug. You should do ten repetitions.
At least, the last exercise is known as Thread the Needle. It is recommended to do ten repetitions on each side.
– DAY 3

On your last day of this workout plan, practice these 4 challenging exercises. Perform each exercise for about 6 minutes.
The first exercise is known as Crab kicks into Superman. You should do six repetitions on each side.
Moreover, the second exercise is known as Star leg raise. Make sure you do ten repetitions on each side.
Additionally, the third exercise is known as Side V-ups. You need to do ten repetitions on each side.
The last exercise is known as Over/under. It is recommended to do ten repetitions on each side.

How I Got Results In Two Weeks With This Ab Workout

This year, I’ve been a little more diligent about getting the toned body I’ve always longed for, but never really wanted to make the effort for.While I was pleased that it gained some notoriety, I was more encouraged by the scores of women who seemed to resonate with wanting to overcome a common problem: toning their arms. If I had to guess, I’d say the next “problem area” most women would like to change is their midsection, and especially if they’ve had children.
For me, I’ve never followed through on an ab workout. I hate doing crunches, don’t like feeling the burn and honestly, never saw enough results to motivate me to keep going. I just figured I’d deal with a pouch that hangs over my waistband when I sit down and call it a day. But after seeing such obvious results with my arm workout, I decided I’d give the ab workout a good ole college try. And let me tell you, it’s working.
This post isn’t about getting a 6-pack in two weeks. It’s also not about losing a ton of weight. But it IS about showing the benefits of hard work, consistency AND how you actually CAN see ab results in two weeks.
First, let me start by saying that I am not overweight. I have always been a petite person but my weight does fluctuate at times, which makes me feel pudgy and that’s why I wanted to start toning everything. Just because I’m on the thinner side does not naturally mean I have abs without trying, or that a person who would like to lose a few pounds cannot see results! You will NEVER have defined abs if you don’t try, so why not just do it?
Second, let me say that I would not call my results in the last two weeks “dramatic.” What would I call them? Encouraging. Motivating. Satisfying. Starting and sticking to a routine is the hardest part and that’s why I wanted to show you how far I’ve come in such a short time so that YOU can feel encouraged, motivated and satisfied too! This first picture is my “before” picture and it was taken on June 20. You’ll have to forgive the less than perfect framing, as I’ve had to rely on my 4-year old to capture my progress. As you can see, I have little definition on my stomach and a few love handles starting to form:
ab workout

How I Got Results In Two Weeks Doing This Ab Workout

Before I get into the results, I wanted to share the actual workout I use. Keeping in the spirit of my last workout, I stuck with XHIT and their “10 Minute Ab Workout: How To Get A Six Pack.” Let me warn you- this is the HARDEST ab workout I have ever done. I am literally dripping with sweat by the time I’m done, and the first time I did it, I was in mass amounts of pain the next day. But it’s worth it! It’s only a 10 minute workout- you can do this.

I followed this workout video exactly and did it 4 times a week. I did not change my diet, or go on a diet. I eat cheese, chocolate, bread and have wine (not all in the same day, or every day) but I don’t go overboard on portions. The only thing I made sure I did was to be consistent and do this workout 4 times a week.
Ok, so let’s see how it’s helped so far. This is my first photo with 4 workouts under my belt in 1 week. This photo was taken on June 27. While I am definitely wearing my pants lower than the first photo, I can already start to see the definition in my ab muscles, especially on the sides:

ab workout
Here is a comparison and I apparently I went to the pool in between photos because I look decidedly tanner!

ab workout
After two weeks and about 8 ab workouts, this is where I stand as of this week. Not only can I see more side definition but I can also see my upper abs tightening up as well! This photo was taken on July 3rd:
ab workout
And a comparison:
ab workout
Do I have a 6-pack? No. Am I more toned? Heck yes! This was literally only doing the workout 8 times, I can’t wait to see how I look at the end of the summer.
Ladies- you can do this too! Don’t put off starting a workout routine because it’s summer, because you only like 1 piece bathing suits, or just because you don’t think it will change anything. It can and it will- if you want it.
Be sure to check back with me in a few months- WHEN I have a 6-pack!


If you are one of those people who spend most of their day sitting at work, you should definitely try the following chair exercises, as they can help you get in shape while sitting!
Reports say that the average American has only four hours of free time daily, and in most cases, this time is spend watching TV, scrolling down the Facebook accounts, and again- sitting!
What’s more, the average American mother has 36 minutes of free time every day!
Yet, you no longer have excuses, as you can work out at home, or try these amazing chair exercises!
The fitness trainer you are going to see below is Denise Austin, a popular fitness trainer, reveals these 5 simple exercises to target busy women and workaholics.
Yet, remember to always consume a balanced and healthy diet.
The following exercises will definitely make you do anything to free yourself at least for an hour daily to exercise and get the body you dream of!

Plus Size Fitness: Ab Toning Exercises

I carry a lot of extra weight in my midsection. While I was pregnant I didn't do ANY crunches or heavy abdominal exercises. Since I am plus size I was at risk during my pregnancy to develop diastasis recti or a separation of my abdominal wall. But now that Elyse is here. It is time to whittle my middle.

Being a plus size lady, some core exercises can be difficult due to the excess amount of fat in the midsection. Making some exercises more uncomfortable. WE can still do them, but listen to your body. Don't over crunch in on yourself. I find sometimes I want to do a fuller crunch, but I physically can't. So I end up pulling on my head more straining my neck. Watch out for that. Doing the movement as best you can is what you want to do to train your core to make it stronger. As you eat a healthy diet, your body will naturally start to lose the excess fat in the middle thus making these exercises even easier!

Russian Twists:
In a sitting position, lean back slightly and place your hands behind your ears. Then twist left elbow to opposite knee without crunch down. Then switch to right elbow to left knee and back and forth. Stay leaning back with your core tightened and engaged.
 Side Plank Twists:
Get into a modified kneeling side plank. Place your had behind your ear and elbow up to the sky. Then twist down to bring the elbows together as much as possible.
Plank Jacks:
High plank position. Start with legs together, then jump them out to wide position then back in and out. Tighten your core as much as possible to help stabilize your body.
 Basic Crunch:
Hands lightly behind the ears and lift with your chest not your head.

Down on your belly. Lift your arms and legs together slightly without straining your lower back and hold for 2 seconds. Then drop down softly. Then back up and so forth. The trick is to not go too high. If you feel a pinch in your low back, you are too high!

This Simple Exercise Will Burn Your Belly Fat In Record Time!

Do you want to lose weight and have perfectly shaped body shape but you are too busy and you don’t have time to go to the gym? Well, you are at the right place – below we are going to recommend you combination of exercises that will help you to get rid of the excess belly fat and all you need is 10 minutes of your day.
HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training is combination of exercises that are incredibly efficient in burning calories and fat. Namely, the HIIT workout will boost your metabolism and in same time will tone your muscles. While you are exercising with the HIIT plan, you will sweat a lot and on this way you’ll remove the toxins from your body. Well, there are several reasons why you should include these exercises in your daily routine, so what are you waiting for?
It is well known fact that physical activity and healthy nutrition are important for the overall health.
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
Check the video below and see how to perform the exercises:

5 Exercises To Get Rid Of Love Handles At Home

It seems to be a problem that most everyone, male and female, struggles with. In case you aren’t quite sure what I’m talking about, it is the most common nickname for the area above your hipbone where oftentimes excess fat is stored. So how to get rid of love handles? Well, it’s more than just fat-burning workouts. However, you need to also look at losing fat with diet changes to reduce your middle.
1. Fight them with food
Since having a high percentage of body fat is responsible for love handles, it stands to reason that one of the best ways to get rid of them is to take a look at your diet. One of the first things you should eliminate is addictive sugar. Thus, avoid manufactured foods and choose vegetables, fruits, nuts and lean protein like fish and chicken. Another trick to help you get rid of love handles is to make sure you are eating smaller meals throughout the day.
2. Add in Some Exercise
Once you get your diet under control, it’s time to address your exercise routine. Maybe you don’t currently have one, that’s alright. You are a clean slate, and we can get you set on the right path with the best way to workout in order to burn unwanted fat while at the same time building strength.
There are more efficient methods of working out that will help you reach your goals quicker. Your best option is burst training. Also known as interval training, burst training combines short, high-intensity bursts of exercise with slow, recovery phases. This is then repeated during an exercise session. The big difference is, you will be training at a higher intensity, thus getting rid of those love handles.
3. Shape your waistline with 5 efficient moves
Bird Dog Crunches
Sounds crazy, I know. But start this move on all fours. From there, simply extend your right arm out in front of you and your left leg out behind you. This part alone may challenge your balance! Once you feel stable enough to begin the next portion, work on bringing your leg and arm back in and trying to meet your elbow and knee together underneath you. Pause there for just a quick second before extending again and repeat for 10–15 reps. Obviously, after that make sure you do the other side as well.
Side Plank with Leg Raise
This is another amazing move that really targets your obliques. On a soft surface, lie down on your side, it doesn’t matter which side you start with because I’m sure you’ve figured it out by now, you’ll be doing it on the other side as well. Once on your side, stack your feet, knees, hips, and shoulders so that that you are in as straight of a line as possible. Next, prop yourself up on your elbow, maintaining a tight rigid posture as you do so.
Spiderman Crunch
This one is essentially a variation of a push-up. Starting in a push-up position, as you begin to lower yourself down, lift your right leg and bring your right knee to your right elbow. As you come up, bring your right leg back to the starting position and repeat the process on the left side. Try alternating sides for 10 reps and aim for about 3–4 sets.
Single-Leg Toe Touches
Start this one by lying on your back with your legs fully extended and your arms overhead. From there, lift your left leg straight into the air with your knee slightly bent and try to maintain this position throughout the move. While contracting your abdominal muscles, take your right arm and reach up to touch your left foot for a total of 10 reps. Switch sides for another 10 reps and try to complete a total of 3–4 sets per side.
Cross-Body Mountain Climber
Again, for this one you’re going to want to get into a push-up or plank position. Then just begin by raising your right knee toward your left elbow, lower, and then raise your left knee toward your right elbow. Begin slowly to practice and then try to move as quickly as you can. This is also a great move you can add to your burst training arsenal as well.

8 Ways to Feel Better About Your Body Right This Minute

Some days we wake up feeling not great about what we see in the mirror. For some of us, body dissatisfaction may even be a constant feeling that we’ve just learned to live with. Over the years I’ve looked in my mirror and seen many different versions of myself, some that I’ve liked and others that I’ve hated. Getting to a neutral place or one where you love and accept yourself as you are is hard, hard work. Here are some techniques that help me when I start to feel negative about my body:

Listen to Yourself

When I notice I’m feeling badly about my body, I immediately take a time out. If I’m around other people, I may excuse myself to the bathroom or go into another room. I need to be alone to hear myself. Listening to ourselves, especially our heartbeat, helps us feel better in our own skin. Vivien Ainley, a doctoral candidate in neuroscience at royal Holloway, University of London, co-authored a study that concluded people who can hear their hearts are less likely to view themselves as objects. “If people are able to stand inside their bodies and feel their body, they have a good sense of what’s happening inside themselves, and they’re less likely to objectify themselves.”

Tell Yourself What You Like About Yourself

When I’m hyperfocused on my looks and what I don’t like about them, I often close my eyes and rattle off all of the things I like about myself. Denise Martz, Ph.D., a clinical health psychologist and professor at Appalachian State University in North Carolina, recommends identifying things you like about your body, specifically. “It can be great hair, great nails, terrific teeth.” This isn’t easy when you’re bent on hating everything you see in the mirror, but you can find something.

Look in the mirror differently

When you’re trying to improve your body image, says Lori Osachy, lead therapist at The Body Image Counseling Center in Jacksonville, Fla., “The goal is to retrain your brain how to think positively about your reflection and your body.” That means ending the daily critique of your reflection and learning how to look in the mirror with appreciation instead. Easier said than done, right? My method is to smile and then blow myself a kiss whenever I walk by a mirror. This silly gesture makes me feel seen and loved, and the playfulness of it immediately boosts my mood. Robyn Silverman, PhD, body image expert and author, suggests putting positive notes on your mirror that remind you daily of your awesome qualities.

Look at Art

When I’m feeling disconnected from my body, I like to look at art, especially images of women. I do this because it reminds me that there isn’t just one ideal of what a body “should” look like. “Fine art collections show that a variety of bodies have been celebrated throughout the ages and in different cultures,” the Brown University Health Education site reminds us. And unlike advertising, which inundates us with images of a single, white, narrow, cellulite-free female ideal, “Fine art doesn’t exist to create a need for a product, so it isn’t intended to leave you feeling inadequate or anxious.”

Get Moving

And not to lose weight or otherwise “fix” yourself. Do it for your body image, a 2009 study out of the University of Florida suggests. The research found that people who didn’t hit any fitness milestones like burning fat or getting stronger felt as positively about their bodies as people who were much more fit. In other words, exercise helps you feel better about your body even if you aren’t doing enough of it to change your body in any way. The study also showed that people who exercise more frequently have better body image. So get out there, often. You’ll likely focus less on what your body looks like and more on what it can do.

Get Grateful

When you’re obsessing about your body’s flaws, it’s easy to get so wrapped up in what’s wrong with your body that it feels like you have nothing going for you. One of the best ways out of that funk is to force yourself to enumerate some things you’re grateful for. Gratitude has benefits beyond reminding you that your thighs are not everything (although that’s a pretty valuable reward in itself). Robert Emmons, a psychology professor at University of California, Davis who has spent his career studying gratitude, has found that “grateful people take better care of themselves and engage in more protective health behaviors like regular exercise, a healthy diet, regular physical examinations.” And, as we saw above, the more exercise you get, the better you feel about your body.

Listen to Music

A 2013 study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology found that music can help elevate your mood, which is exactly what you need when you’re at war with your body. I have a playlist on Spotify that I call my Happy Mix. It takes me only a couple of songs before I’m belting them out and bopping around my room. The important thing is to play tunes that lift you up. Although I love Nick Drake and The Smiths, they’re both on my Need to Cry and Get It Out playlists. Shoot for upbeat, fast songs with a predictable melody.


If I feel like I’ve been treating my body poorly and am not feeling good in my own skin, I recommit to being kind to my body. I make a list of all the things I can do to help myself do that: dance, eat food that makes me feel good, laugh more, etc. Having a plan and making a commitment immediately makes me feel better about myself, which in turn makes me less focused on my flaws, including the physical ones.

Get Rid Of Blackheads In 15 Minutes With A Natural Mask

Blackheads, especially the ones that appear on your nose are one of the most unaesthetic skin problems.

You have two options if you want to get rid of them: see a beautician or make your one nose strips.
I prefer the second one and I will show you how simple it is to get rid of blackheads at home with only 2 ingredients.

As I said you only need two ingredients:
1 tablespoon milk;
1 tablespoon gelatin powder.

You will use the microwave to prepare the strip so be sure the recipient you will use is heat resistant.
After you choose the appropriate recipient/bowl, pour the milk in it. Then add the gelatin and mix well until you obtain a coarse mixture.

Put the recipient in the microwave for 10 seconds on a medium power.

Let it to cool a little then apply it on your nose by using a make-up brush you do not use anymore.
After 10 minutes take it off from your nose and look at the nose strip: you will see the blackheads and impurities that were on your face less than 10 minutes ago.

10 Homemade Natural Skin Care Recipes

You don’t have to fork out big bucks for great skin care. In fact, many department-store and drugstore brands of skin care products are packed full of harsh chemicals, toxic ingredients, artificial colors and more. Even so-called natural skin care brands may contain questionable ingredients that you wouldn’t want on your face.

Want to look up the safety of your skin care products? Check out Environmental Working Group (EWG)’s Skin Deep database. It has the ingredients list and potential toxins of more than 68,000 personal care products.

I checked on a few products that I used to use for anti-wrinkle skin care and was floored to see the results. Most of the products ranged in the 5-6 range out of a total 10 (with 10 at the highest level of potential hazards and toxins). That’s troubling to consider.
Luckily, I’ve learned to make my own skin care products. It’s easy with products you already have in your bathroom and pantry. In fact, here are 10 natural skin care recipes that can replace an entire skin care regime you’d probably pay a fortune for at a department store.

Facial Wash
Forget the harsh cleansers. Try this Foaming Face Wash. It’s gentle, yet effective in keeping skin clean and clear.

Facial Scrub
Exfoliate your skin with this luxurious DIY Facial Scrub. It’s similar to facial scrubs you’d get in a spa (with the same results), yet at a fraction of the price.

Facial Mask
Pamper yourself with one of these 8 Honey Facial Masks to rejuvenate skin and give it a healthy glow.

I can’t believe how much I used to shell out for toners. This DIY Facial Toner will literally cost you pennies and it’s hydrating, pH balanced and excellent for blemish-prone and combination skin.

Eye Cream
An effective eye cream doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Try this DIY Eye Cream to hydrate the eye area and fight wrinkles.


Forget everything you know about moisturizers. Oil-free facial lotions can actually make the skin produce MORE oil than regular moisturizers or even facial oils. I have combination and blemish-prone skin, yet I absolutely LOVE this DIY Facial Oil Moisturizer with Sunscreen. It’s hydrating, but not oily – plus the addition of essential oils help to fight blemishes and fade sun spots. Here’s another Homemade Facial Lotion recipe.

Lip Balm
Think about how much you pay for lip balm. $2-4 for a tube doesn’t sound too expensive, right? You can actually make your own Organic DIY Lip Balm for Just $0.24 a Tube.

Facial Serum
Department-store brand facial serums are expensive – sometimes upwards of $50-$100 per bottle. Nourish skin naturally with this DIY facial serum. It costs pennies to make and includes just a few simple ingredients.

Shaving Cream
Ditch the aerosol shaving creams (which contain harmful ingredients) and try this DIY Shaving Cream. It’s excellent for both men (for facial hair) and women (for legs, under arms, etc.).

How to Get Started
The best way to get started with homemade natural skin care recipes is to start using quality ingredients. I recommend organic extra-virgin coconut oil, organic sweet almond oil, organic argan oil, organic beeswax and other DIY skin care supplies.

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