Saturday, June 23, 2018

4 Exercises To Lift Your Boobs

The breasts are predominately a fatty tissue located directly over top of the pectoral muscles. One of the best ways to lift your breasts is to strengthen the muscles underneath your breasts as they help to support them. When these muscles are weak, they allow the breast tissue to sag. But if you develop these muscles, your breasts will get a nice lift.

The following exercises won’t turn A cups into Bs or beyond. But they can help you to build up your upper body muscles and improve the appearance of your breasts without having a surgery.


The chest squeeze is a great way to warm up the chest before other exercises, or you can do it at the end of your chest work when your muscles are tired. This exercise works the chest and shoulder muscles.
Sit up straight on a chair and make sure that your back is straight and your stomach is tensed.
Hold a medicine ball at chest level and squeeze the ball to contract the chest.
While squeezing the ball, slowly straighten the arms, taking the ball straight out in front of you until the arms are straight.
Keep a steady pressure on the ball throughout the movement.
Bring the ball back towards the chest and repeat for 1-3 sets of 10 reps.

2. Push-up

Push up is a great exercise for firming your chest, and as an added bonus it will also strengthen your back and core muscles (for more exercises for your core see my post about the best exercises for getting a flat tummy). You can do it at home without any special equipment. For an easier variation you can place your knees on the ground.
Lie on your stomach and place hands on the ground next to your arm pits and push yourself up so your elbows are slightly bent. Make sure you keep your stomach tensed and slowly lower your chest to the ground then push yourself back up again. Repeat as many times as you can.


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