Saturday, June 23, 2018

Lose 12 Pounds With This Super Fast 1 Week Diet

Are you looking for the fastest way to lose weight? Are you having a big party in a couple of weeks time and are looking to get into skinny clothes that fit your properly? Are you going out on a date in a couple of week’s time? Whatever be the reason that you are trying to lose weight, you have come to the correct page that will provide you with the ideal tips that will help you to easily lose weight in a week’s time.

Today I will share with you the best diet plan ever that will help you to lose 12 pounds in a week! I have personally tested this diet plan and it works!

Many people struggle to lose weight. No matter how much they try, they still cannot lose weight, this is why I decided to write this article to share with you a diet plan that I personally tested and managed to lose 12 pounds in just 1 week.

Day 1:
Breakfast: omelette with 2 eggs and freshly squeezed fruit juice;
Snack: Apple;
Lunch: Potato salad with grilled fish, black bread;
Snack: 2 whole wheat biscuits;
Dinner: steamed chicken, steamed vegetables with a little olive oil.

Day 2:
Breakfast: Muesli in a non-fat yogurt with pieces of fruit;
Snack: A glass of fruit juice;
Lunch: 2 fillets of hake, lettuce, cup of low-fat yogurt;
Snack: Banana;
Dinner: Grilled fish, steamed vegetables and fruit.

Day 3:
Breakfast: Boiled egg, low-calorie cream cheese, wholemeal bread, fruit juice;
Snack: Apple or orange;
Lunch: Vegetable soup, whole-wheat bread, apple;
Snack: 2 whole wheat biscuits;
Dinner: Chicken with rice, fruit.

Day 4:
Breakfast: Pastry whole grain with low-fat cheese spread, fresh fruit;
Snack: Banana;
Lunch: Grilled white meat, green salad, brown bread;
Snack: 30gr dried fruit;
Dinner: 2 baked potatoes, lettuce, cup of low-fat yogurt.

Day 5:
Breakfast: Muesli in non-fat yogurt with fruit pieces;
Snack: whole grain bread and a piece of low-fat cheese;
Lunch: 200g of peas, bread, apple;
Snack: Banana;
Dinner: omelette with 2 eggs, 50g of cheese.

Day 6:

Breakfast: Cornflakes with yogurt, fruit juice;
Snack: Apple;
Lunch: Cooked rice with peppers, lettuce, fresh fruit;
Snack: 20gr unsalted peanuts;
Dinner: 2 hake fillets grilled, 100g of boiled potatoes.

Day 7:
Breakfast: 30g flakes cereal with yogurt, orange;
Snack: 30gr dried fruit;
Lunch: Tuna, lettuce, orange;
Snack: 3 wholemeal biscuits;
Dinner: Mashed potatoes, 100g grilled chicken white meat, a cup of low-fat yogurt.

With this diet you need to walk at least once a day for 15 minutes. Do exercises to strengthen the muscles of the lower body.


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