Saturday, June 23, 2018

Tired Of Not Having The Butt You Want? Take Our 30 Day Picture Perfect Butt Challenge And See Real Improvements In Your Backside In One Month – Guaranteed!

Sometimes it’s the little things you do that make the biggest impact.  While there are certainly tons of leg and butt workouts found on this blog, the majority of them require access to a gym. 

Lately, we’ve been getting quite a few requests from some of our at home exercisers who want that picture perfect booty too, but without all the equipment some of our other plans require.  With that in mind, we set out to put together a 30 day challenge designed to provide noticeable improvements to your backside.  Now this certainly doesn’t mean you should hit 30 days and quit – look at this workout as your launching pad, and starting point, for the rest of your fitness (or butt) journey.

Now just because this workout was designed for our at home exercisers in mind, doesn’t mean it can’t or shouldn’t be used for all of your gym goers.  This workout truly is amazing and will do wonders for your butt.  If you’re already using one of our other lower body plans, I’d go as far to say consider throwing each day’s mini-workout into your day; perhaps first thing in the morning, on your lunch break, or right before bed.  The great thing about these workouts are they are so short and sweet – like REALLY short and sweet.

We’re talking no more than 5-10 minutes of your time.  Think you can handle that?  Just 5-10 minutes a day, for 30 days.  If you don’t like what you’re seeing, stop following along with the workout – no big time commitment wasted.

One last point – this workout gradually ramps up in intensity and repetitions.  If you’re already in an advanced state of butt firmness, I’d suggest starting from day 14.  If you’re looking to continue with these mini-workouts after your 30 days are up, I’d suggest you simply repeat days 24-30, perhaps even adding some repetitions as your ability allows.

So with that said, let’s check out what you’ll be doing for the next 30 days…

Day 1: 50 Body weight Squats
Day 2: 60 Body weight squats
Day 3: 65 Body weight Squats
Day 4: 65 Body weight Squats/35 Squat Jumps
Day 5: 75 Body weight Squats/35  Squat Jumps
Day 6: 80 Body weight Squats/45 Squat Jumps
Day 7: 90 Body weight Squats/50 Squat Jumps
Day 8: 95 Body weight Squats/30 Bulgarian Squat Jumps per side
Day 9: 100 Body weight Squats/40 Bulgarian Squat Jumps per side
Day 10: 110 Body weight Squats/50 Bulgarian Squat Jumps per side
Day 11: 115 Body weight Squats/55 Bulgarian Squat Jumps per side
Day 12: 120 Body weight Squats/30 Butt-to-Floor Squats
Day 13: 120 Body weight Squats/35 Butt-to-Floor Squats
Day 14: 120 Body weight Squats/40 Butt-to-Floor Squats
Day 15: 125 Body weight Squats/45 Butt-to-Floor Squats
Day 16: 130 Body weight Squats/50 Butt-to-Floor Squats
Day 17: 140 Body weight Squats/60 Butt-to-Floor Squats
Day 18: 170 Body weight Squats
Day 19: 180 Body weight Squats
Day 20: 180 Body weight Squats
Day 21: 190 Body weight Squats
Day 22: 195 Body weight Squats
Day 23: 200 Body weight Squats/60 Sumo Squats
Day 24: 200 Body weight Squats/70 Sumo Squats
Day 25: 205 Body weight Squats/80 Sumo Squats
Day 26: 215 Body weight Squats/90 Sumo Squats
Day 27: 225 Body weight Squats/70 Butt-to-Floor Squats
Day 28: 225 Body weight Squats/75 Butt-to-Floor Squats
Day 29: 230 Body weight Squats/60 Squat Jumps
Day 30: 240 Body weight Squats/70 Squat Jumps

One thing that bears mentioning; if you’re absolutely too sore from the previous day’s workout, it’s okay to skip a day.  Just be sure to pick back up when you’re able.  I certainly don’t want you doing too much, too fast.  But if you’re conditioned well, you should be able to knock these out in 30 straight days.

One thing you’ve probably noticed – there are no suggested sets.  I want you pushing yourself and trying to do these listed repetitions in as few sets as possible.  With that said, you definitely need to remember to keep strict form. 

Doing half-ass reps, not going to 90 degrees on your body weight squats, not exploding off the ground during your squat jumps, or any other way you find to make things easier is not going to get you the results you want.  Give this one your max effort, stay consistent, and I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with how things are shaping up after just 30 days.  If you make it through these 30 days intact, you’re ready to graduate to our 5 Week Bubble Butt Workout Plan below!


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