Saturday, June 23, 2018

Natural treatments to prevent and eliminate varicose veins

Varicose veins are a health problem that highlights poor blood circulation. They also pose a cosmetic problem that can be very visible and affect self-esteem. The main cause of varicose veins is primarily related to the liver, as this is the body that regulates our circulation and purifies our blood toxins. Keep in mind that a complete treatment against varicose veins must start with a good diet,
based on the following foods: In this article, we explain how to follow a natural treatment, at home, to prevent varicose veins and eliminate the latest of them.
Improve blood circulation: The main cause of varicose veins is primarily related to the liver, as this is the body that regulates our circulation and purifies our blood toxins. That is why we must always keep in mind that a complete treatment against varicose veins must start with a good diet, based on the following foods:
Fruits and vegetables in particular lemon, grapefruit, artichoke or chicory.
Dried vegetables soup with cumin, kombu seaweed or fennel
Whole grains: especially rice, millet, quinoa or buckwheat.
Egg, preferably organic
White meat
Dry or dried fruit, raw or grilled, not fried or salted
Seeds: raw or sprouted
of cold pressed oils: sesame, olive, sunflower, linseed, wheat seeds, etc.
Plant oat drinks, rice and almonds
Spices such as garlic or turmeric
However, avoid or limit consumption of the following foods:
Red meat and sausage
Milk and dairy products
Fried foods and ready meals
Alcoholic beverages
Regulate bowel
The intestine is another body that directly influences the circulation of our blood in the body, since it is in the belly, the central part of our body. If it malfunctions, it creates a blockage that prevents proper circulation throughout the body. This is why we must treat our intestines naturally, especially if we are constipated, so we tend to suffer from diarrhea or irritable bowel, which are the most common problems.
Infusions for circulation
We must take care of us inside and out. This is why we recommend taking daily infusions that help to improve blood flow. You can choose for example the following herbs:
A plant to improve liver function: The boldo, dandelion or sea holly (taken with caution for those with severe liver problems).
Rosemary or Centella asiatica to improve the flow of our members (do not take rosemary if you have hypertension).
A plant to improve microcirculation: gingko biloba.
To regulate bowel function: flaxseed.
We can add to this brew the juice of half a lemon and a little stevia or honey to sweeten
Cold water
Cold water is the most immediate remedy for traffic problems, but it must be applied correctly.
When you do not have cold, wet your legs with cold water. We can do it in the shower, in the bath, in a pool, at sea, with a hose, etc.
Hold for a few minutes, if possible move.
Then dry your legs to warm up and get a contrast of temperatures, which is actually the most beneficial.
If this is not enough to warm up, you can do exercises or massage.
A moisturizer along with a massage
To further improve the flow of blood in our legs, administer them a massage at least once a day with a specific product, if possible natural, with ingredients that are not harmful to our health. We can choose a gel or moisturizer or prepare our own oil blending plant almond oil with a few drops of one of the following essential oils:
Witch hazel
Centella asiatica
Indian brown
It must massage the legs in circles, always upward, toward the heart. Finally, we must make upward movements with clenched fist
The inverted posture
Every night before you go to bed, lie down on the floor, in bed or on a couch and put your legs in the air, possibly with the buttocks against the wall and totally vertical legs, right angle our body.
Stay in this position 15 to 30 minutes, unless your legs are not asleep before.
This simple exercise, like some yoga positions and other body therapies, is very effective and relaxing if we practice every day.


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